Parents, Patrons, Teachers and Staff, you may be aware that the City of Valliant has been notified of a failed water purity test today. The City is in the process of notifying all residents that the City is currently under a “Boil Order.” I have been in contact with Valliant PWA and City Officials concerning the issue. The PWA is currently flushing the system and will continue to do so. Although I am assured the failing sample came from an isolated area, it is my duty to act with an abundance of caution concerning the health and safety of our students. Therefore, I am dismissing school on Monday, August 12. It is my hope that additional testing will show that the system has been cleared and that we can resume our normal schedule as soon as possible. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience. Please Share
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Boil Order
Teachers and Staff, this is just a reminder that we will be starting school next week. On Mon, Aug 5, teachers will report at 8:00 to the HS Safe Room. First Baptist Church will be providing lunch for ALL STAFF on Monday at 11:30. Everyone is invited. On Wed, Aug 7, all staff will report to the MS Safe Room at 7:30. Staff pictures will be taken on Wed. Students first day is Thur, Aug 8! #WeareValliant!
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
V Dog
Reminder- anyone that has not completed enrollment forms and drawn for their locker that will be in grades 6-8 can do so tomorrow from 11 am to 7 pm.
over 5 years ago, Brandon Frazier
Patrons and Friends, we have tried very hard since last spring to find a Band Director and or Choir Director. We have suffered many disappointments in this search. So, we need your help. Please share this post or reach out to anyone you know that may be interested in our position. The teacher shortage is real.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Job Posting
Shout out to VMS Student Council for the beautiful sensory sidewalk they designed and painted!
over 5 years ago, Gina Dansby
Twister board with spinner coming soon!
Math maze
Dance with Me!
Four square
Physicals for bus drivers or any athlete needing a physical in Grades 6-12 will be July 25 at 6 pm at Scoggins Field House. Cost $10 for students. Dr. Mike Irvin conducting physicals.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
2019-2020 Middle School Enrollment July 24th - 6th Grade 8:00 am-4:00 pm July 25th - 7th Grade 8:00 am - 4:00 pm July 29th - 8th Grade 8:00 am - 4:00 pm July 30th - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm anyone that needs to come in the evening. A parent or guardian must be present to complete enrollment forms. There is no advantage to being the first or last in line. Students will draw for lockers this year. New students may come on the designated days to enroll, however if you attended a different school last year, you may need to complete a transfer form in the superintendents office if you have not done so already. Schedule changes may be requested before the first day of school but will only be granted based on academic need. It is important to keep class sizes as small as we can to create a better learning environment for everyone.
over 5 years ago, Valliant Schools
Coaches, Athletes, Parents and Patrons, The OSSAA has established Dead Week for June 29th through July 7th for all schools. No athlete, coach or facility may participate in any activity related to athletics. Signs are posted at all sites. Please do not be the reason that we have to forfeit games or suffer suspensions. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Coaches, Athletes, Parents and Patrons, The OSSAA has established Dead Week for June 29th through August 7th for all schools. No athlete, coach or facility may participate in any activity related to athletics. Signs are posted at all sites. Please do not be the reason that we have to forfeit games or suffer suspensions. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Parents, this is an amazing program. Free food for children this summer. If your children qualify for Free or Reduced meals at school, please apply. Details in the attachment.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Patrons of the Valliant Schools and Members of the Valliant Community, the Safe room at Valliant HS is open should you wish to make use of it this evening. Please be mindful of your children and pets must be in approved containers. Please be weather aware and be safe.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Patrons of the Valliant Schools and Members of the Valliant community. The Safe Room at Valliant High School is open for Please be weather wise and use caution.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
HS Baseball Players and Parents, unfortunately the weather is not cooperating. Soper called this afternoon and cancelled games for tomorrow (Tuesday) due to the fact their field is currently "under water.". Please share.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
HS Baseball Players and Parents - The HS Games at Smithville have been rained out for today (Monday). The bus will be leaving at 10am on Tuesday for Soper. Please Share. #wearevalliant
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Valliant HS Baseball on Monday. Players need to be at the Indoor by 4:00. Bus rolls at 4:15. Play Antlers and Smithville in Smithville starting at 6. HS Players bring White Top and T Shirt. 9th graders bring your MS game Jersey from this year.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Valliant athletes, don't forget Summer Pride starts tomorrow. Athletes will work out on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. HS Boys at 7 am, MS Boys at 8:15 am, and Girls at 9 am. Dedication and commitment now will lead to success later. It's a Great Day to be a Bulldog!
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
MS Baseball parents and players, Coach Abbott has agreed to help out and Coach our MS Baseball team this summer. We have a few dates scheduled beginning June 17. Please watch this page for additional information. Please share or tag as needed.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
After consulting with Valliant Emergency Management and Valliant PD, we have decided to open the Storm Shelter at the HS for this afternoon and evening. Please keep an eye on the weather, and be safe. Remember if you are using the Shelter to please monitor your children and all pets must be in airline approved containers. Thank you for your support of Valliant Schools.
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
Baseball parents and players, as you may know, we are currently searching for a Baseball Coach. We are very aware that there is a Summer schedule and we very much want the kids to have an opportunity to play. We have made arrangements for Coach Carlisle to take the HS team and honor most of those schedule commitments. We are still working on a plan for MS. Please be patient as we work through the process. CWall
over 5 years ago, Craig Wall
As storms approach our area please be weather aware. The high school safe room will be open and available. We ask that you supervise children and that all pets are in airline approved containers.
over 5 years ago, Brandon Frazier