Please visit for updated scholarship opportunities, college information, and more! College Board will filter scholarships based on your specific want/need. Contact Mrs. Hardemon if you have questions or need assistance. Visit the link below to go directly to the scholarship webpage.
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
scholarship info
A big thank you to First State Bank in Valliant for hosting Coach Carlisle’s Economic’s class for a seminar on financing and banking. Thank you Kelly Thompson, Katie White, Hank Thompson and Brenda Thompson for your time and dedication to our students.
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
Bank Trip 1
Bank Trip 2
Bank Trip 3
Bank Trip 4
Homecoming is this Friday! Pep Rally begins at 10:00 am - Football Field Parade will begin at 1:30 Tailgate Party will start at 4:00 pm (Free food and games for all) Walkdown of Players, Cheerleaders and Band - 4:30 Homecoming Court - 6:15 Kickoff - 7:00 All children wearing orange and black will get FREE admission to the game with a paid guardian.
over 2 years ago, Brandon Frazier
OSU Campus Tour Dates If you are interested in any of these dates, or if you want more information please contact Mrs. Hardemon
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
OSU Campus Tour dates
OU Campus Tour Dates If you are interested in any of these dates, or if you want more information please contact Mrs. Hardemon
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
OU Tour/Preview Dates
Oklahoma's Promise Information: Students Grades: 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
OK Promise Front
OK Promise Back
The annual JOM/Title VI meeting will be held Monday, September 19th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Valliant Cafeteria to review and update by-laws, set calendar for upcoming school year and election of new officers. All JOM students and parents/guardians are encouraged to attend. For more information contact Linda Coffman at #580-933-7232 or
over 2 years ago, Linda Coffman
Paint the town “Orange and Black” has officially begun! Thank you to Kimberly Chavez and her wonderful students! Contact Mrs. Chavez at if you would like her art classes to paint your windows.
over 2 years ago, Brandon Frazier
Paint the town
There will be no school on Monday September 5th, 2022 in observance of Labor Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday at regular time. Have a great and safe weekend!
over 2 years ago, Brandon Frazier
labor day
PARENTS AND STUDENTS please take note of the dress code!
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
Middle school students and parents/guardians, do not forget about the Open House tonight at 7PM in the middle school. This is a time to meet the teachers and receive Chromebooks, lockers, & class schedules. There will be free snacks & many prize giveaways throughout the night.
over 2 years ago, Dr. A. Beshears
Deadline for painting your parking space has been extended due to the rain. You will be able to paint next week! If you will be waiting until next week to paint you will not be able to paint before 3:30pm during the week, anytime on the weekend is ok. No painting may be done during the school day. Also, there has been a mix-up with the numbers on the spaces and all students need to contact Crystal in the High School office about their parking space as soon as possible.
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
Getting the painting done
ATTENTION High School Students! If you have not selected your parking space, please come by the HS office and do so this week! Also, if you have not turned in copies of your driver's license, insurance verification and your design if you are painting your parking space please do so this week!
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
Middle school students & parents/guardians, do not forget to attend our open house night on Friday, August 26, at 7PM in the middle school. This is a time to receive Chromebooks, lockers, & class schedules. There will be free snacks & many prize giveaways throughout the night.
over 2 years ago, Dr. A. Beshears
Open House Night
VPS is seeking to hire a temporary school nurse for the 22-23 school year. A RN is preferred but not required. To apply: send your resume, application, and a copy of your credentials to or drop them by the superintendents office.
over 2 years ago, Brandon Frazier
Here are the guidelines and some tips for those students interested in painting their parking space this year! The request form can be picked up from the High School office
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
Painted Parking Spots1
Painted Parking Spots2
Painted Parking Spots3
Painting Your Parking Space Request
Valliant JOM School Supplies may be picked up beginning August 2nd - 4th at the Valliant School Cafeteria during the following times: Tuesday 8/2 from 8AM-6PM. Wednesday and Thursday pick up from 8AM-4PM. New students must bring copy of CDIB card.
over 2 years ago, Linda Coffman
Save time and get your High School Student Registered before Enrollment! Just go to your TeacherEase acct and complete the registration forms now! Enrollment dates below to get class schedules!
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
HS Online Registration
Attention Football Players!! High School and Middle School Football Start Dates!
over 2 years ago, Greg Holt
Football Start dates
There is a company calling area businesses on "behalf" of Valliant High School to sell game day shirts. This is not a company affiliated with VPSD and the school does not benefit from this company. You will be contacted by a Coach, Employee, or Student from VPSD for anything that directly benefits the school.
over 2 years ago, Amy Smith